We’ve had the privilege of working with a multitude of film productions, spanning across various genres and formats. Our experience includes collaboration on TV series, music videos, commercials, and movies. Some of the notable productions we’ve been involved with are ‘The Bachelor’, ‘Married At First Sight’, ‘X-Factor’, and ‘Celebrity Apprentice’. Our extensive experience in these diverse settings showcases our adaptability and capability to meet the specific needs of different types of productions. If you want to ensure you have a professional who knows exactly what they’re doing, our vehicle hire for filming is your ultimate choice.
Yes, we can. Understanding the unique requirements of film and production sets, we are equipped to accommodate custom vehicle requests to match the specific needs of your scenes. Whether it’s a particular model, colour, or style of vehicle, our team will work closely with you to provide the perfect match for your production requirements. Please reach out with your specific needs, and we’ll do our utmost to fulfil them.